April 25, 2016
Wow! Thanks Mom for everything! I’m also getting super exited to talk to you
all on Mother’s day! Its truly a
blessing and also its weird to think that I’ll be calling for the last time,
then after a few weeks I’ll be home(: Elder Laurel is getting pretty nervous
and exited to fly home. He will be leaving the area to visit his areas of the
mission next Monday, and then on Thursday he will fly home! Wow! Pretty soon I’ll
be doing that! I’m thinking about my last Monday, I’ll ask President George if I
could travel to Tonalá on Monday to visit my converts and some members and I’ll
stay the night with the missionaries, then on Tuesday I’ll travel to Tuxtla and
visit all my converts and members there. I really want to visit Las Aguilas (:
then at night I’ll have to report to the mission home. On Wednesday, President will take us to the
temple and then after we’ll have our last orientation and interviews with President
George and the last supper, and then on Thursday I’ll come home. (: it’s crazy to think but it’s going to
happen soon! I really liked what you said about how when I started the mission I
didn’t know anything! hahaha and now I’m mentoring all the others(: I don’t
feel like it but I guess it’s true! And like what 2 Nephi says,
"And now, my beloved brethren, after ye have gotten into this strait and
narrow path, I would ask if all is done? Behold, I say unto you, Nay; for
ye have not come thus far save it were by the word of Christ with unshaken
faith in him, relying wholly upon the merits of him who is mighty to
save. Wherefore, ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ,
having a perfect brightness of hope, and a love of God and of all men.
Wherefore, if ye shall press forward, feasting upon the word of Christ, and
endure to the end, behold, thus saith the Father: Ye shall have eternal
life." It’s so true! I’ve gotten into the path and I’ve gotten the hang of
things, now I just need to keep it up and endure to the end. It can be hard sometimes;
the mission is like the ocean! It’s full of waves, waves of excitement, joy,
sadness, being stressful, being focused, being distracted, hard, easy,
tired, hot, cold, haha but mostly HOT! I love the mission! This week I’ve
been studying the bible! hahaha I love it sooo much! I have an institute book
that explains a lot of cool things! hahaha To be honest, I like studying more
in Spanish! I understand it better! I know the gospel better in Spanish than I
do in English haha. But during Genesis it’s talking a lot about covenants!
And I think a lot about my covenants that I made in the temple. I feel like learning about Abraham is like
trying to figure out who I am and what I stand for. (: The whole plan of salvation is to overcome
our natural man and become subject to the spirit in all things. This concept is
very interesting. (:
HAHA we got to church this Sunday
and we were waiting for our investigators and none of them showed up. And we
were talking really quietly saying.¨ I don’t know if “P” is gonna come.¨
and then Elder Stewart said¨ Ya, he’s
not coming, it’s because he always complains that he can’t walk because his arm
hurts. Like he needs to walk with his arm.¨ then, immediately after, “P” walks through
the door all happy and ready for church, it’s truly a miracle haha.
Well this
week has been a great week and we’re ready for the next. (: How have you all been? (: I love you all and hope that you’re happy
and having fun. Love Elder Portlock
Service project
This lady is making tamales. We ate them for dinner. mmmmmmmm.
In Cacuatan
This is the division line between Mexico and Guatemala!!! It's a river! And people just walk over it day and night. I finally got to see Guatemala. And no, we did not go across. Haha.
I think it's noni?????
This is Elder Lainez and I on the beach a year ago.
This is a moto taxi.
Who wants to go to this middle school?
Sister George cut Elder Chaves' hair during interviews. hahaha.
A little bit of walking
My shoe finally broke!!!!! hahahahaha. But I had someone fix it. I feel very proud of myself.
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